Category Archives: Decentralized Dance Party
Gonzo Gone Bananas!
Now behold the true power of the Party Revolution!
The Third Ever Decentralized Dance Party
Looked a little something like this…
Thirty Two Synchronized Boomboxes And Over 150 Party People Made DDP #2 A Roaring Success!
Shut down prematurely by Vancouver’s Finest after a noise complaint, but still the best Decentralized Dance Party yet! The Revolution Continues!
Thirty Two Synchronized Boomboxes And Over 150 Party People Made DDP #2 A Roaring Success!
Shut down prematurely by Vancouver’s Finest after a noise complaint, but still the best Decentralized Dance Party yet! The revolution continues!Video soon to follow! (All Photos c/o Photographess Extraordinaire Sarah Hamilton)
First Decentralized Dance Party Video Now Online!
Our expectation was to storm Vancouver’s 3rd beach with a team of boombox-armed infantrymen and women, blaring synchronized 90’s Dance + Booty Bass and overwhelming what we predicted would be a 100-strong beach party in full swing. We arrived to … Continue reading
An Epic Teaser
For the Decentralized Dance Party video.. which will be released forthwith! Conceived and birthed by Mark Boucher!
Terribly sorry, but
Haven’t updated in awhile.. been focusing on Decentralized Dance Party .com and creating the teaser for the new HORSE the band DVD “We Flooded It And There’s Yoghurt Everywhere AKA 48 Hrs In Ukraine“. And while the HORSE teaser and … Continue reading
The First Ever Decentralized Dance Party Was A Success!
It’s hard to tell, but we had 16 synchronized boomboxes blasting simultaneously! Now working on editing the video footage and plotting Decentralized Dance Party #2 ! (photos c/o sarah hamilton)
Busy Times
Insanely busy since returning from Ontario visiting friends+family: – Finally finished editing HORSE the band’s new DVD: “WE FLOODED IT AND THERE’S YOGHURT EVERYWHERE AKA 48 HOURS IN UKRAINE” – Made some serious headway on my “Humanity” script. – And … Continue reading